A side table to put your soul on.
A tablecloth to protect it.
Categorising, labelling, calculating, measuring.
Life. On time. On schedule. On profit. Based on logistics.
I never liked the word logistics.
This word has colonised human mind. This word is like a snake.
The attack of the logistics.
Cold and certain.
The attack will not leave us hardened or petrified but we will stand against it.
With our weaving as a tool of resistance.
Because we come from the weavers from the ancient times. Our kingdom is old. Formed under pain and oppression. Never recognised.
We will weave and work until logistics stop rule human minds.
I will weave and wait until these minds will be decolonised.
I made this piece during April 2023.
Thanks to all the people in the metal and textile workshop that had the patience to show me how to work with metal and how to weave.
Photos by @hsuuusc